Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Bear Lake 2 (no kids allowed)

Our really good friends Ryan and Hailey thought it would be a brilliant idea if we had a grow-ups only 3 days at Bear Lake. It was the BEST idea ever! Brett's mom watched the kids while we were at the Lake, and Brett's sister and Bro-in-law watched Belle for us (thanks a ton) It was nice to be able to spend all day on the boat and not worry about kids near the water. Well we couldn't spend all day on the boat, the wind kicks up and we have to go in but Hailey and I wanted to go on a hike. Ryan ended up going with us, it was a good thing too. We got thunder and lightening and pea sized hail. But it was a great hike and the scenery was to die for!Bloomington Lake
Yes, the white stuff is snow. Elevation 8200 ft
It was 75 degrees when we left the cabin, it was 48 when we left the lake
I love it!

We stopped by the Bear Cave for shakes on the way back to the cabin from the hike, I wanted hot chocolate because I was still so damn cold. But I love the little teddy graham they put in it.

Brett wakeboarding, what a HOTTIE!

This was actually the family trip but Brett and I never get pics together. I got just a little sunburned!
The other bad thing that happened at the family trip was I lost my phone on the beach while I was four wheeling with Khloe. It must have fallin out of my back pocket. Oh well though because I got a new one. I tried to look for it but there was no way I was going to find it.


ag. said...

What a beautiful place! I can only imagine that a getaway without your three (cute!) kids can be so relaxing!

Hailey Jones said...

It was SOOO fun! Thanks again for the great time! We'll have to try and do that every year.

sarahmarie0730 said...

What a fun trip!!!

The water looks so blue!