Thursday, October 2, 2008

fall Cleaning

For some reason I seem to do my spring cleaning in fall...go figure. But I think it's a great idea, making room for all the decorations for fall, Halloween, thanksgiving, Christmas and new years. I've been trying to get Brett to go through his closet and get rid of the clothes that he hasn't worn in more then a year....he's a little reluctant, I don't know why. I'm getting rid of all my maternity clothes so if you know anyone one that is prego or is going to be let me know so I can give them to people that need them.

Jetty is crawling really well....too well in fact, He was crawling close to the railing and our railing is not up to code. He backed up and got stuck (Thank God!) I looked over and he was grunting because his head and shoulders got stuck so he didn't fall down the stairs. But it scared the poop at of me. Once again if anyone has any ideas about what to do about the gap, any ideas would be appreciated. He's got 4 teeth too. exciting times!

Gage is starting to talk a little better, I think we are going to wait until February before we call the early intervention people. But he's being very much like a little boy. Kicking Jett, pushing Khloe and throwing his toys everywhere. Boys will be boys I guess. But he's in for a big surprise when Jett gets older!!

Khloe is enjoying preschool and learning alot. She's being a little mom to the two younger boys, but they don't lsiten to her anymore then they listen to me. She is a great helper though and I don't know what I would do without her!

Brett is doing well in school. Well in that last two classes he is taking. He dropped two classes but it's better that he did. He took a math class that was was too high and the other class was a little too hard for him right now. But he enjoys Acting and sociology.

Thats about it for the Hammerstrom family. We leave for seattle in a week from Friday so I'm really excited about that. Hopefully we won't forget the camera so we can take some cool pictures of Oktoberfest!


~Ali~ said...

Sounds like things are going good...other than Jett wanting to fall down the stairs! LOL Good times! And how fun to go to Seattle! I'm jealous!! Oh yeah, one more thing...YOU ARE TAGGED!!! hee hee go read my blog!

Renae said...

I haven't been on here in a while . . . I LOVE your hair! It looks so awesome! We've been cleaning too . . . like crazy. The cleaner my house gets the more I find to clean and do. Isn't there supposed to be an end to it? My in-laws came today and we'll be spending the weekend and part of next week with them. Have fun in Seattle.

Catherine Glazner said...

Hey so why are you getting rid of your preggo clothes?? Aren't you going to have more?? Well if your giving them away, I'll steal them!! I'm not pregnant "YET". Sounds like things are going great for you guys!! Have fun in Seattle!! I'll post my "tag" later tonight!!