Tuesday, April 6, 2010

New stuff in the house

Our room upstairs with a new subfloor!Bedroom
same room

Trim for the cans so the lights are not dangling from the ceiling

front room

The last couple of days we have been working on the house. Subfloor upstairs is finished, now just need to sheetrock some stuff, paint and have the carpet installed which we bought monday!
The house looks different with the lights in the ceiling instead of hanging! Brett did alot of hard work! Thanks Jon for helping!


abigail said...

looks great! I look forward to seeing it when it's all done!

~Ali~ said...

Looking soooo good! Brett has been a busy guy!!! But it is paying off!!! Good work!

Hailey Jones said...

That's so exciting!!! It looks great...maybe one day we will see each other's homes again....illness can't last forever can it???