Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Brett's new toy (aka Forrest Gump)

I will have to admit that Brett is the best at finding deals. He goes to and searches their classifieds for stuff that we might need. He found crown and baseboard for the house. The swing set and climbing dome and this little number. Since we have a HUGE backyard I thought it was onlt fair that he could get a riding mower. Since I have NEVER mowed a lawn in my life I don't know what it would be like to have to mow such a massive lawn. But I might start so I can use the mower.
We also rented a chipper and chipped up all the branches. Now the yard looks even bigger and MORE overwhelming. But we have more grass then we thought, so we just need some turf builder and a couple of years and we will have a great lawn.Brett aka Forrest Gump
Yeah I know he's a babe!

The backyard now

Totally tearing it up!


Hailey Jones said...

Oh look at the little Derf mowing the lawn! How cute is he? Have fun in Vegas this weekend and don't do anything crazy!!! Be safe!

~Ali~ said...

Holy crap!! That is hilarious!!!! But how nice that must be!!! Glad he's having fun with it! Mow Forest, Mow!!! hahahaha