Monday, September 8, 2008

A camping we will go...again!

Thursday we leave for Buckhorn Wash!! I'm super excited to try out the new tent I bought. It's ginormous!! (18x10 to be exact) It's a great story so let me tell you. Last year our tent leaked so we decided to get rid of it. Well that and we have 3 kids plus us and all of our junk to put in a tent now. I looked online and I found one for $200 that was 20x10. My smart bro-in-law Jason said I should look at Sports Authorityand Big 5. Sports Authority didn't have anything big enough. So I headed to Big 5 and got a little excited because they were having a sale on camping stuff. I went in and saw a sigh that said that an 18x10 tent was $99!! I couldn't believe my luck. I couldn't find anymore so I asked a sales lady and she said that was all they had. I was CRUSHED!! Then she suggested she could look in another store had one...and they did!! I raced to the other store and bought it. I took it to Jason and Kristy's to use their front yard to set it up, ya know making sure it was big enough. HOLY CRAP!!! I know that 18 feet by 10 feet is big but I guess I really didn't realize just how big it really was. It's like 3 seperate tents pushed together, it has removable room dividers and 3 doors and the top is mesh so you can see out side (there's a rainfly in case it rains). It didn't take that long to set up once we figured it out. And being the awsome tent roller I am (with the help of Jason, Austin and Tyler) we were able to get it back in the bag!! So after we get back I will be posting pictures of my awsome tent. Hope everyone has a great weekend while we are gone!!


~Ali~ said...

That is an awesome deal!! Good shopping! I hope that you guys have fun, we might go to the state fair with John and Marque and then we have Jadynn's baptism on Saturday. Anyway, I am excited to see some pics! Have fun and be safe!

~Ali~ said...

Okay Jaycee....where are the pictures?? I wanna see some!