Friday, December 3, 2010


After 6 years, 7 months, and 13 days I have had the last DIAPER CHANGE!! Yes that is correct. I have changed diapers since my daughter was born in April of 2004 with NO BREAKS! Now that my youngest is potty trained (2 months shy of his third birthday) I AM DONE! We aren't having anymore kids so the next diapers I will be changing will hopefully be my grandkids! (or my little bro's kids but I'm not going to hold my breath!)

On to another baby isn't a baby anymore! He's getting to be such a big boy. Gage too. Once Gage learns he can do something all by himself he stops whinning about not being able to do it. I am a little sad we won't be having anymore kids but I honestly don't think I could handle another one. The three I have drive me nuts on a daily basis! But I love them and I wouldn't change that for the world!

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