Thursday, June 11, 2009

Triple rainbows

This is why I love liquid sunshine! (rain) You get to see cool things like triple rainbows (this is a first for me!) When I was taking Brett to work this afternoon there was a cloud in front of us that was spinning and looking like it was trying to form a funnel cloud! A little scary but really fascinating at the same time. I've only seen that happen one other time when I was on a softball team that had a tournament in Kansas during tornado season. That was REALLY scary!


~Ali~ said...

Those are awesome pics!!! I have some pics of a double, but never seen three at once!! Super cool!!! And super scary that you saw an almost funnel cloud! YIKES!

finau said...

liquid sunshine, huh? Is that a Washington thang? I would agree if it's also warm. Its been really rainy here but freezing too! So no triple rainbows here!
sweeeet pic though.

Renae said...

I've never seen a triple before!! That's beautiful!

Hailey Jones said...

That's FREAKING awesome!! Great pics, I too have never seen a triple rainbow, although I should have been Thursday night! (wink,wink)