Monday, April 13, 2009


We had a great Easter this year!! Brett made me an awsome egg that said "Jaycee is a poo" thanks honey!! I love you too!! We were able to have Brett's mom and stepdad over for dinner and his bro Jon came over with his girlfriend and we played some cards. It was great. If you ask Khloe why we celebrate Easter, she will tell you "Because the Easter Bunny comes!" Um yeah I guess I need to teach her some church stuff. She knows now that it has to do with Jesus. So that's better. Hope everyone else had a great Easter!


~Ali~ said...

How nice of Brett to think to make you an egg!! haha Looks like you guys had a fun Easter!! I don't think Jadynn knows much about what Easter is really about either. lol

Hailey Jones said...

HAPPY FREAKING EASTER!!! You should tell Brett that you may be a poo, but he will always be a derf!