Monday, July 7, 2008

4th of July

We had a great 4th this year!! On the 3rd we went to the fireworks show at the local golf course with some friends of ours. It was a blast and the fireworks were fantastic! The boys didn't even mind the loud booms. On Friday we went to a friends house and watched them let off some fireworks. Nothing like the shows we would have in Washington but what can you do with wussy Utah stuff. But it's been a great weekend and I hope to have more pictures up soon!


Evans not Evens lol said...

sounds like your 4th was a blast. your kids are getting so big. Hope all is well.

~Ali~ said...

Well hello there you guys!! So I had Ryan ask Brett today if you had a blog because I am now a blog addict!! LOL I just got mine up and running about a week ago, So I hope you don't mind if I add your blog to mine! We need to hang out again sometime!!

~Ali~ said...

That would be fun!! And you are sooooo right about the boys being useless!! LOL If you ever wanted we could get together and I could show ya how do design your own stuff...I don't know how to do the letters and stuff on the header, a friend made that for me, but everything else is pretty easy, if I can do it anyone can!! Anyway, Let us know when you wanna do a dinner and we can get together!