Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A new house guest!

Brett's brother Jon asked us if he could stay with us for a little bit until he got back on his feet. Because we are so nice and love family we, of course, said YES! We we Sheetrock the addition ceiling and put in insulation and moved Jon in there!!! The only bad thing for Jon is we didn't move the exercise stuff out so when Brett gets up at 5am to workout Jon works out with him. Which is good, Brett needs a spotter. Another good thing about Jon moving in, he's a REALLY hard worker and all the little projects that aren't finished or Brett needs help with I don't have to do!!! Thanks JON!!!
We were hoping the gas insert in the corner worked but alas in the mayhem of remodeling the gas line was cut and doesn't work. We need our awesome plumber to come hook it back up!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Some spring pictures

Its been so nice the last couple of days. I'm really glad the kids got to get out of the house (and my hair) and go play out side!Jetty just relaxing on the grass
Khloe going SUPER fast on her scooter

Gage riding his bike. He's really good at it. We need to get him a new helmet that ones a little small


Boys eating lunch on the front porch
There are other things that are new and exciting but I have to wait to take pictures when the boys are done!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Brett, his dad and two brothers decided to take a boys trip to AZ to watch some spring training games! They all had a blast. (I was hoping they would get a little sunburned because it was nice and warm there and a little chilly here)

Since this was Brett's little vacation I don't really know what else they did. Well he told me when he got home but I don't remember details. All I know was that he had fun and him and his brothers got yelled at by some old lady for not having their shirts on when they walked back from the pool. (they stayed at Brett's uncle's house and I guess they have alot of crazy rules!)